Projekt Beschreibung

First tie up hassles and troubles down at the sorrow-trough. Quickly scramble up the climbing net, balance over the suspension bridge and spit down the platform – not too bad: three meters! Climb up the ladder, open the hatch in the floor and pop up in a treehouse.
Respire and admire the view of the Alps and the lake Tegernsee from about six meters above ground. Parents sighted, quickly take cover. Stay quiet. Play baron in the trees until the cinema of the stars is reflected in the skylight. Hold out until the ravenous appetite comes pounding at the hatch.
Smell the freshly-baked pizza and feel your legs turn to jelly. Slide down the firemans pole in the dark like Spiderman. Forget all the trouble at the trough over the bear hunt. Slay all the pizza with the first bite. Look back to the adventure-treehouse from the kitchen: tomorrow we’ll start all over again!